bibla rules


Rule ID Rule description
D00 Entry not in alphabetical order by key
D01 Preamble should begin at first line of document
D02 Possible duplicate entry based on similar titles


Rule ID Rule description
E00 Keys of published works should have format AuthorYEARa
E01 Author first names should not be abbreviated
E02 Author middle names should be abbreviated with .
E03 The usage of et al. in the author field should be replaced by a list of all authors
E04 Files should be linked with relative path
E05 Linked file is not present
E06 Incorrect doi format
E07 Incorrect ISBN format
E08 pages field formatting is incorrect. Please use the following format: 123–456. In ascending order separated with two dashes.
E09 Entry should use correct date format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY!
E10ArticleJournal Use journaltitle instead of journal!
E10ArticleYear Use date instead of year!
E10BookYear Use date instead of year!
E10BookletYear Use date instead of year!
E10ConferenceYear Use date instead of year!
E10DatasetYear Use date instead of year!
E10ElectronicYear Use date instead of year!
E10InbookYear Use date instead of year!
E10InproceedingsYear Use date instead of year!
E10ManualYear Use date instead of year!
E10MastersthesisSchool Use institution instead of school!
E10MastersthesisYear Use date instead of year!
E10MiscYear Use date instead of year!
E10OnlineYear Use date instead of year!
E10PhdthesisSchool Use institution instead of school!
E10PhdthesisYear Use date instead of year!
E10ReportSchool Use institution instead of school!
E10ReportYear Use date instead of year!
E10SoftwareYear Use date instead of year!
E10TechreportSchool Use institution instead of school!
E10TechreportYear Use date instead of year!
E10ThesisSchool Use institution instead of school!
E10ThesisYear Use date instead of year!
E10WwwYear Use date instead of year!
E11InproceedingsConference conference is an alias, please use the original type inproceedings instead.
E11MiscSoftware software is an alias, please use the original type misc instead.
E11OnlineElectronic electronic is an alias, please use the original type online instead.
E11OnlineWww www is an alias, please use the original type online instead.
E11ReportTechreport techreport is an alias, please use the original type report instead.
E11ThesisMastersthesis mastersthesis is an alias, please use the original type thesis instead.
E11ThesisPhdthesis phdthesis is an alias, please use the original type thesis instead.
E12 Homepages should not be used as a source
E13 URLs should only include the critical parts and nothing more


Rule ID Rule description
M00 No authors or editors found
M01ArticleDate Missing required field date for entry type article
M01ArticleJournaltitle Missing required field journaltitle for entry type article
M01ArticleTitle Missing required field title for entry type article
M01BookDate Missing required field date for entry type book
M01BookPublisher Missing required field publisher for entry type book
M01BookTitle Missing required field title for entry type book
M01BookletDate Missing required field date for entry type booklet
M01BookletPublisher Missing required field publisher for entry type booklet
M01BookletTitle Missing required field title for entry type booklet
M01ConferenceBooktitle Missing required field booktitle for entry type conference
M01ConferenceDate Missing required field date for entry type conference
M01ConferenceTitle Missing required field title for entry type conference
M01DatasetDate Missing required field date for entry type dataset
M01DatasetTitle Missing required field title for entry type dataset
M01DatasetUrl Missing required field url for entry type dataset
M01DatasetUrldate Missing required field urldate for entry type dataset
M01ElectronicDate Missing required field date for entry type electronic
M01ElectronicTitle Missing required field title for entry type electronic
M01ElectronicUrl Missing required field url for entry type electronic
M01ElectronicUrldate Missing required field urldate for entry type electronic
M01InbookBooktitle Missing required field booktitle for entry type inbook
M01InbookDate Missing required field date for entry type inbook
M01InbookPublisher Missing required field publisher for entry type inbook
M01InbookTitle Missing required field title for entry type inbook
M01IncollectionBooktitle Missing required field booktitle for entry type incollection
M01IncollectionPublisher Missing required field publisher for entry type incollection
M01IncollectionTitle Missing required field title for entry type incollection
M01IncollectionYear Missing required field year for entry type incollection
M01InproceedingsBooktitle Missing required field booktitle for entry type inproceedings
M01InproceedingsDate Missing required field date for entry type inproceedings
M01InproceedingsTitle Missing required field title for entry type inproceedings
M01ManualDate Missing required field date for entry type manual
M01ManualTitle Missing required field title for entry type manual
M01MastersthesisDate Missing required field date for entry type mastersthesis
M01MastersthesisInstitution Missing required field institution for entry type mastersthesis
M01MastersthesisTitle Missing required field title for entry type mastersthesis
M01MastersthesisType Missing required field type for entry type mastersthesis
M01MiscDate Missing required field date for entry type misc
M01MiscTitle Missing required field title for entry type misc
M01OnlineDate Missing required field date for entry type online
M01OnlineTitle Missing required field title for entry type online
M01OnlineUrl Missing required field url for entry type online
M01OnlineUrldate Missing required field urldate for entry type online
M01PhdthesisDate Missing required field date for entry type phdthesis
M01PhdthesisInstitution Missing required field institution for entry type phdthesis
M01PhdthesisTitle Missing required field title for entry type phdthesis
M01PhdthesisType Missing required field type for entry type phdthesis
M01ReportDate Missing required field date for entry type report
M01ReportInstitution Missing required field institution for entry type report
M01ReportTitle Missing required field title for entry type report
M01ReportType Missing required field type for entry type report
M01SoftwareDate Missing required field date for entry type software
M01SoftwareTitle Missing required field title for entry type software
M01TechreportDate Missing required field date for entry type techreport
M01TechreportInstitution Missing required field institution for entry type techreport
M01TechreportTitle Missing required field title for entry type techreport
M01TechreportType Missing required field type for entry type techreport
M01ThesisDate Missing required field date for entry type thesis
M01ThesisInstitution Missing required field institution for entry type thesis
M01ThesisTitle Missing required field title for entry type thesis
M01ThesisType Missing required field type for entry type thesis
M01UnpublishedTitle Missing required field title for entry type unpublished
M01WwwDate Missing required field date for entry type www
M01WwwTitle Missing required field title for entry type www
M01WwwUrl Missing required field url for entry type www
M01WwwUrldate Missing required field urldate for entry type www
M02ArticleDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type article
M02ArticleNumber Missing optional field number for entry type article
M02ArticlePages Missing optional field pages for entry type article
M02ArticleVolume Missing optional field volume for entry type article
M02BookIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type book
M02BookletDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type booklet
M02BookletHowpublished Missing optional field howpublished for entry type booklet
M02BookletIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type booklet
M02BookletUrl Missing optional field url for entry type booklet
M02ConferenceDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type conference
M02ConferenceEventtitle Missing optional field eventtitle for entry type conference
M02ConferenceIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type conference
M02ConferenceUrl Missing optional field url for entry type conference
M02InbookDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type inbook
M02InbookIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type inbook
M02InbookPages Missing optional field pages for entry type inbook
M02IncollectionAddress Missing optional field address for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionChapter Missing optional field chapter for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionEdition Missing optional field edition for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionFile Missing optional field file for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionKey Missing optional field key for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionMonth Missing optional field month for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionNumber Missing optional field number for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionPages Missing optional field pages for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionSeries Missing optional field series for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionType Missing optional field type for entry type incollection
M02IncollectionVolume Missing optional field volume for entry type incollection
M02InproceedingsDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type inproceedings
M02InproceedingsEventtitle Missing optional field eventtitle for entry type inproceedings
M02InproceedingsIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type inproceedings
M02InproceedingsUrl Missing optional field url for entry type inproceedings
M02ManualDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type manual
M02ManualIsbn Missing optional field isbn for entry type manual
M02ManualOrganization Missing optional field organization for entry type manual
M02ManualPublisher Missing optional field publisher for entry type manual
M02ManualUrl Missing optional field url for entry type manual
M02MastersthesisUrl Missing optional field url for entry type mastersthesis
M02PhdthesisUrl Missing optional field url for entry type phdthesis
M02ReportDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type report
M02ReportUrl Missing optional field url for entry type report
M02TechreportDoi Missing optional field doi for entry type techreport
M02TechreportUrl Missing optional field url for entry type techreport
M02ThesisUrl Missing optional field url for entry type thesis
M02UnpublishedFile Missing optional field file for entry type unpublished
M02UnpublishedKey Missing optional field key for entry type unpublished
M02UnpublishedMonth Missing optional field month for entry type unpublished
M02UnpublishedYear Missing optional field year for entry type unpublished
M03 Special characters should be replaced by the command to generate them: %, &, $, #, _, \, ~, ^,


Rule ID Rule description
T00 Non-ascii character
T01 Non-standard whitespace at beginning of line (indents should be 2 spaces)
T02 Whitespace at end of line
T03 Line length exceeds 120 characters


Rule ID Rule description
U00 Unrecognized entry type
U01Article Unrecognized field type for entry type article
U01Book Unrecognized field type for entry type book
U01Booklet Unrecognized field type for entry type booklet
U01Conference Unrecognized field type for entry type conference
U01Dataset Unrecognized field type for entry type dataset
U01Electronic Unrecognized field type for entry type electronic
U01Inbook Unrecognized field type for entry type inbook
U01Incollection Unrecognized field type for entry type incollection
U01Inproceedings Unrecognized field type for entry type inproceedings
U01Manual Unrecognized field type for entry type manual
U01Mastersthesis Unrecognized field type for entry type mastersthesis
U01Misc Unrecognized field type for entry type misc
U01Online Unrecognized field type for entry type online
U01Phdthesis Unrecognized field type for entry type phdthesis
U01Report Unrecognized field type for entry type report
U01Software Unrecognized field type for entry type software
U01Techreport Unrecognized field type for entry type techreport
U01Thesis Unrecognized field type for entry type thesis
U01Unpublished Unrecognized field type for entry type unpublished
U01Www Unrecognized field type for entry type www