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No authors or editors found |
M01ArticleDate |
Missing required field date for entry type article |
M01ArticleJournaltitle |
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M01ArticleTitle |
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M01BookDate |
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M01BookPublisher |
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M01BookTitle |
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M01BookletDate |
Missing required field date for entry type booklet |
M01BookletPublisher |
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M01BookletTitle |
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M01ConferenceBooktitle |
Missing required field booktitle for entry type conference |
M01ConferenceDate |
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M01ConferenceTitle |
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M01DatasetDate |
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M01DatasetUrl |
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M01ElectronicDate |
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M01ElectronicTitle |
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M01ElectronicUrl |
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M01ElectronicUrldate |
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M01InbookBooktitle |
Missing required field booktitle for entry type inbook |
M01InbookDate |
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M01InbookPublisher |
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M01InbookTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type inbook |
M01IncollectionBooktitle |
Missing required field booktitle for entry type incollection |
M01IncollectionPublisher |
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M01IncollectionTitle |
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M01IncollectionYear |
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M01InproceedingsBooktitle |
Missing required field booktitle for entry type inproceedings |
M01InproceedingsDate |
Missing required field date for entry type inproceedings |
M01InproceedingsTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type inproceedings |
M01ManualDate |
Missing required field date for entry type manual |
M01ManualTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type manual |
M01MastersthesisDate |
Missing required field date for entry type mastersthesis |
M01MastersthesisInstitution |
Missing required field institution for entry type mastersthesis |
M01MastersthesisTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type mastersthesis |
M01MastersthesisType |
Missing required field type for entry type mastersthesis |
M01MiscDate |
Missing required field date for entry type misc |
M01MiscTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type misc |
M01OnlineDate |
Missing required field date for entry type online |
M01OnlineTitle |
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M01OnlineUrl |
Missing required field url for entry type online |
M01OnlineUrldate |
Missing required field urldate for entry type online |
M01PhdthesisDate |
Missing required field date for entry type phdthesis |
M01PhdthesisInstitution |
Missing required field institution for entry type phdthesis |
M01PhdthesisTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type phdthesis |
M01PhdthesisType |
Missing required field type for entry type phdthesis |
M01ReportDate |
Missing required field date for entry type report |
M01ReportInstitution |
Missing required field institution for entry type report |
M01ReportTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type report |
M01ReportType |
Missing required field type for entry type report |
M01SoftwareDate |
Missing required field date for entry type software |
M01SoftwareTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type software |
M01TechreportDate |
Missing required field date for entry type techreport |
M01TechreportInstitution |
Missing required field institution for entry type techreport |
M01TechreportTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type techreport |
M01TechreportType |
Missing required field type for entry type techreport |
M01ThesisDate |
Missing required field date for entry type thesis |
M01ThesisInstitution |
Missing required field institution for entry type thesis |
M01ThesisTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type thesis |
M01ThesisType |
Missing required field type for entry type thesis |
M01UnpublishedTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type unpublished |
M01WwwDate |
Missing required field date for entry type www |
M01WwwTitle |
Missing required field title for entry type www |
M01WwwUrl |
Missing required field url for entry type www |
M01WwwUrldate |
Missing required field urldate for entry type www |
M02ArticleDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type article |
M02ArticleNumber |
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M02ArticlePages |
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M02ArticleVolume |
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M02BookIsbn |
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M02BookletDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type booklet |
M02BookletHowpublished |
Missing optional field howpublished for entry type booklet |
M02BookletIsbn |
Missing optional field isbn for entry type booklet |
M02BookletUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type booklet |
M02ConferenceDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type conference |
M02ConferenceEventtitle |
Missing optional field eventtitle for entry type conference |
M02ConferenceIsbn |
Missing optional field isbn for entry type conference |
M02ConferenceUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type conference |
M02InbookDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type inbook |
M02InbookIsbn |
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M02InbookPages |
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M02IncollectionAddress |
Missing optional field address for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionChapter |
Missing optional field chapter for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionEdition |
Missing optional field edition for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionFile |
Missing optional field file for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionKey |
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M02IncollectionMonth |
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M02IncollectionNumber |
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M02IncollectionPages |
Missing optional field pages for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionSeries |
Missing optional field series for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionType |
Missing optional field type for entry type incollection |
M02IncollectionVolume |
Missing optional field volume for entry type incollection |
M02InproceedingsDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type inproceedings |
M02InproceedingsEventtitle |
Missing optional field eventtitle for entry type inproceedings |
M02InproceedingsIsbn |
Missing optional field isbn for entry type inproceedings |
M02InproceedingsUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type inproceedings |
M02ManualDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type manual |
M02ManualIsbn |
Missing optional field isbn for entry type manual |
M02ManualOrganization |
Missing optional field organization for entry type manual |
M02ManualPublisher |
Missing optional field publisher for entry type manual |
M02ManualUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type manual |
M02MastersthesisUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type mastersthesis |
M02PhdthesisUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type phdthesis |
M02ReportDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type report |
M02ReportUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type report |
M02TechreportDoi |
Missing optional field doi for entry type techreport |
M02TechreportUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type techreport |
M02ThesisUrl |
Missing optional field url for entry type thesis |
M02UnpublishedFile |
Missing optional field file for entry type unpublished |
M02UnpublishedKey |
Missing optional field key for entry type unpublished |
M02UnpublishedMonth |
Missing optional field month for entry type unpublished |
M02UnpublishedYear |
Missing optional field year for entry type unpublished |
M03 |
Special characters should be replaced by the command to generate them: %, &, $, #, _, \, ~, ^, |